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You can only order Via Viente through company distributors, and, luckily, Kiersten happens to be one.  The product direct-ships from the company, and the price is the same for everyone.  


If you find it cheaper online somewhere, it is OLD product that a person is unloading -- DO NOT buy it from anyone other than an authorized distributor that direct ships from the company.  The product has a shelf-life of two years, but it has no preservatives, so I would not recommend buying old product.  Plus, the formula and the bottle changed not-too-long-ago, and you want to ensure you get the latest version of the product that has all of the latest fruits and that is packaged in a BPA-free, PES-free, PETG-free bottle and in an ISO-9001 sterile lab (pharmaceutical grade) using aseptic sterilization (kills bacteria with minimal denaturization of the living enzymes).


To order, click the button below.






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